The New Financial Landscape: What It Means for Emerging Market Economies

As the year 2012 unfolds, its main legacy will be its game changing impact on global financial markets. Waning global growth along with central banks’ bold monetary easing policies in advanced economies (AEs) to try to reverse it are changing market dynamics in unexpected ways, across both AEs and emerging market economies (EMEs). The combination of monetary stimulus, fiscal austerity and hesitant structural economic policy reforms in AEs, particularly in Europe, is taking the global financial system into increasingly uncharted territory. How the European Union will address the future of the eurozone, including uncertainties over its banking sector, as well as how the United States handles its Fiscal Cliff, will weigh heavily on economic balances across all economies worldwide. This seems to be a significant point of inflection on the speed of the rebalancing of economic relevance of AEs in favor of EMEs taking place over the last 12 years. Under this scenario, the ability of EMEs to handle their own fiscal, financial, and real economy weaknesses is critically tied to their ability to weather external shocks and take advantage of growing global savings while searching for yield and growth opportunities

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“Ascent after Decline: Regrowing Global Economies after the Great Recession”

Российская экономическая школа Published on Apr 11, 2012 New Schools of Economics, Moscow, Russia April 4, 2012 Public Seminar: Otaviano Kanuto (Vice President, Head of Poverty Reduction and Economic Management…

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Ascent After Decline: Regrowing Global Economies After the Great Recession

The great recession of 2007-09 has left permanent scars in the world economy, and the global recovery has lost steam. Advanced economies are still struggling with high unemployment and debt, and the remarkable role that emerging markets have played as engines of the recovery is no longer certain. In this new book, co-edited by Otaviano Canuto and Danny M. Leipziger, more than a dozen distinguished contributors scan the economic horizon, spell out the new fiscal reality, and highlight the policy choices on which economic regrowth will depend.

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Foreword – Euromoney Emerging Markets Handbook 2012

Globalisation has created interdependencies between EMEs and advanced economies (AEs) that are here to stay, and will continue to count heavily on the economic outcomes of both groups. Understanding and taking action on those two factors as they develop will be essential for policy makers and investors. Differentiation among EMEs in their potential for continuous growth and stability will depend on those actions.

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UN-High-level policy dialogue with the international financial and trade institutions on current developments in the world economy, High-level Segment 2011 – ECOSOC

High-level policy dialogue with the international financial and trade institutions on current developments in the world economy, High-level Segment 2011 – ECOSOC 5 Jul 2011 -  15th meeting of the 2011 High-level…

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The Day After Tomorrow: A Handbook on the Future of Economic Policy in the Developing World

While the rich world puts its house in order, developing countries are becoming a new engine of global growth and a pulling force for advanced economies, says a new book by World Bank economists. According to The Day After Tomorrow: A Handbook on the Future of Economic Policy in the Developing World, almost half of global growth is currently coming from developing countries. As a group, it is projected that their economic size will surpass that of their developed peers in 2015.

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Toward a Switchover of Locomotives in the Global Economy

The recovery in advanced economies is now exhibiting several signs of fragility and the medium-term growth prospects for these economies also look difficult. Could developing economies “switch over” to become locomotives in the global economy, providing a countervailing force against downward trends? The view taken here says, yes, as long as appropriate domestic policies and reforms are pursued in developing countries.

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