Trade globalization


In the 1990s and 2000s, the world manufacturing production to a substantial extent moved from advanced countries to some developing countries. This was the result of the combination of an increase of the labor supply in the global market economy, trade opening, and technological transformations that allowed for fragmentation of production processes. As a result, foreign trade expanded, and world poverty diminished. Such trade globalization process stabilized in the 2010s and tends to be partially reversed by the new wave of technological changes.

This is the first short video of a series on “Climbing a high ladder: development in the global economy”

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Glauco Arbix

    Oi Otaviano. Belo trabalho. Abraço, Glauco Arbix

    1. Otaviano Canuto

      Obrigado, Glauco. Sera uma serie de algo em torno de 16+ short videos. Avise-me caso queira uma versao em .pdf do livro

  2. Carlos Rosito

    Muito boa apresentação, Otaviano.
    Na expectativa das próximas !
    Abraço , desde o RIO
    Carlos Rosito

  3. Mia Mikic

    Otaviano, very clear and substantiated presentation, I like it a lot. Looking forward to the others you hinted as coming later. Stay well and safe.

  4. Mia Mikic

    And BTW, the Kindle version of the book is available only in US which makes little sense as all this is meant for the new south?

    1. Otaviano Canuto

      Thanks for your remark, Mia. Indeed I should have included a link to the kindle version at the Policy Center for the New South (based in Morocco) which is broader in reach! Will add it! Thanks

  5. Eduardo Mekitarian

    Boa tarde, Otaviano, leio sempre seus posts no Linkedin e vejo seus vídeos, aproveito para agradecer sua contribuição para minhas aulas. Quando o conteúdo de seus vídeos ou PDF estiverem prontos, por favor me avise. Abraços e parabéns.
    Eduardo Mekitarian _ FAAP

  6. Gunars Platais

    Congratulations for an excellent presentation Otaviano! You presented a complex and dense subject matter in a concise, and didactic manner (however, the uninitiated might have a hard time keeping up 🙂 ). I look forward to the several future editions you allude to in your talk! Also, looking forward to your talk in my Intro to Development Economics for Engineers class tomorrow. Best, Gunars

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