Global inequality


The global trend towards increasing globalization since the 1990s seems to have had two different distributional consequences: income inequality between countries has declined, while economic inequality within countries has increased. However, technological progress has made the biggest contribution to rising income inequality over the past two decades. Domestic policies – fiscal policies, social protection – are the locus where inequality is to be tackled.


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Danny L.


    A good talk with clear explanations and good points.
    Plus no mistakes, so well done. Parabens, danny

  2. Jose Sokol

    Excellent observation. Fully in agreement. This was evident when the first economic reports on the “Knowledge Economy” were prepared at the World Bank at least twenty years ago. Those countries that invested in their human capital and in modernizing their technology have done fairly well over time.

  3. Bassem Qushou

    Thanks for sharing, it is an amazing presentation, moreover this presentation has a high and important value for a clear insight and understanding such facts presented.
    Dr.Bassem Qushou

  4. Pasi-Heikki Vaaranmaa

    This was an excellent video. It would be good if one had a share button attached, so that one could distritube the link straight to one´s followers on Twitter, for instance.

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