ECON+ Overlapping Globalizations


It is 2018 and ECON+ is delighted to start the year off with another fantastic conversation with Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the World Bank, to continue this series of interviews on the global economy. This time, we tackle the topic of “overlapping globalizations”, based on Otaviano’s article. Otaviano delves into how current technological developments in manufacturing are likely to lead to a partial reversal of the wave of fragmentation and global value chains that was at the core of the rise of North-South trade from 1990 onwards. At the same time, China – the main hub of the global-growth-cum-structural-change of that period – may attempt to extend the previous wave through its “One Belt, One Road” initiative. It provides for a interesting conversation on globalization, the global system it operates, who could lead it, different states and new waves of the phenomenon. As usual, an enriching interview led by Luisa Porritt, with Victoria Collins and Pedro Sousa contributing to the discussion.

Interview available for streaming or download on Soundcloud:

And for streaming only on Mixcloud:

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